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프란시스코 토스카노

몬테 왕언니 2015. 2. 15. 15:03

어제 파티에서 만난 사람이 프란시스코 토스카나에요.

내가 누군지 못알아보니까 스스로 나서서 내가 바로 프란시스코 토스까나라고 하네요 ㅋㅋ




파티를 하던 장소도 바로 이사람 이름을 따서 붙였고 웹에서도 유명하다고 합니다.





뭐 나야 놀러다니기 바쁜 사람이다보니 유명인에게 무심하지만 하도 그러길래 찾아봤더니 마침 오늘 날짜로 Hart Energy Fuel에 기사가 영문으로 실려있어 일부 발췌합니다.



Q&A: North American Energy Refiner of the Year: 'Secrets' to Economic Survival


Francisco Toscano Martinez
Francisco Toscano Martinez, Deputy Director of Production Pemex Refining


The refining industry has been one of the most hard-hit energy sectors resulting from the year-long global economic downturn. Most refineries are compensating by reducing throughput, stalling facility production or shutting down altogether as capacity is far below industry demand. one company, however, is looking to specialized personnel training, increased environmentally friendly technology and is focusing on making the country it services self-sufficient in gasoline and diesel demands.

Mexican state-owned petroleum company Pemex Refining was named North American Energy Refiner of the Year during Hart Energy Consulting’s World Refining & Fuels Conference in San Antonio, Texas, earlier this year in recognition of Pemex’s management strategies and focus on developing clean fuels.

“Since January [2009], Pemex has gasoline specifications in line with the United States, with a per-gallon maximum of 80 ppm and a pool average of 30 ppm,” said Hart Energy Consulting Vice President Kristine Klavers before the award’s presentation to Pemex Refining Deputy Director of Production Francisco Toscano Martinez. “With diesel, they have a nationwide sulfur limit of 300 ppm and select cities/regions have a max amount of sulfur of 15 ppm. They are targeting a reduced diesel sulfur level of 15 ppm to be implemented nationwide in September 2009.

“Since last year, Pemex has entered many international collaboration agreements to find solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“We at Hart believe Pemex does a tremendous job in setting an example for the local and global industry. They support the development of our children, education, employment, research and development, and communities.”

FUEL: How long have you been with Pemex-Refining, and what is your background? How did you become interested in your field?

Francisco Toscano Martinez: In 1974, I joined Petroleos Mexicanos as an operations engineer. In my career in this company, I performed different operative and administrative roles until I became the general manager for Miguel Hidalgo refinery – a role that I performed from July 1995 until June 2001. Afterward, I occupied the production control management role in the national production sub-direction to later become the general manager of Héctor R. Lara Sosa refinery (2001-2004) and Francisco I. Madero refinery (2004-2005). Since January 2006, I have performed the role of Pemex-Refining production deputy director.

Throughout my career in this important industry, I’ve been part of numerous conventions in Mexico and abroad including, [the] USA, Canada, Japan, Italy and France. I have received diverse awards among which is the Ing Hilario Ariza Dávila 2005 awarded by the alumni council of the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas de Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESIQIE, School of Chemical Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute), one of the main educational institutions devoted to the formation of engineering professionals and the first in contributions to the industrial development.

Flag - MexicoIn February 2009, I took possession as the president of the Alumni Council of the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas A.C. del Instituto Politécnico Nacional (ESIQIE, School of Chemical Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute). This association promotes, amongst other things, the improvement of the academic quality of students, professors and alumni of ESIQIE.

I [have been] an active member of the Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos (IMIQ, Mexican Institute of Chemical Engineers) [for 22 years]. I’ve occupied different roles in this association and became the national president from 2006 until 2007. Currently I am a member of the consulting council as well as the postulation council.

In these 35 years, I’ve always felt motivated by the fact of having actively participated in the projects that have been closely related to the development and modernization of the national oil industry.


존경할만한 사람이네요.

한분야에서 전문가가 되고 책임자가 된다는 건 존경받을만 합니다.

그리고보니 우연하게 유명한 사람들과 함께 하는 기회가 종종 있는 걸 보면, 내가 속한 사회가 유명인이 많던가 아님 내가 운이 좋던가 봅니다. ㅎ

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